Complementary Project for Enhancing Food Security in Aleppo Governorate
Since the start of the conflict, grain centres have been targeted and are either partially destroyed or out of service. In the northern Aleppo countryside, several bakeries were targeted by airstrikes and a few others were vandalized. Currently, flour is provided to the operating bakeries mainly by relief organizations and Türkiye's Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD). However, demand for bread remains high, as more internally displaced persons have moved to this area and the available wheat supplies are insufficient to meet the increasing flour demand for bread production.
To address the current food insecurity caused by the shortage of supplies of soft wheat, milling facilities, and bakeries, Local Councils (LCs) and Syrian Public Establishment for Grain (SPEG) have requested SRTF support to secure bread production through several interventions under this project. These include, among others, procurement and delivery of the following items:
- 5,000 MT of soft wheat.
- 50 MT of PE bread sacks for mills.
- 400,000L of diesel to run mills and bakeries.
- Pesticide (500kg) and rodenticide (800kg).
- Fire Extinguishers of various sizes.
- Protection clothing and gear for mill & bakery employees.
- Salt (10 tons) and yeast (10 tons).
- One fixed mill (45-50 ton/day capacity) plus spare parts.
- Two mobile mills (15 ton/day capacity).
- Three fixed bakery lines with 9,000 loaves/line/hour capacity, plus spare parts.
- Office furniture and accessories.
- Three 2-ton trucks for bread distribution.
In addition, the project will carry out civil works that include the construction of one fixed mill shed and three fixed bakery sheds and related works. It will also support the employment of needed manpower and training of staff on the installation, use, and maintenance of mills (fixed and mobile) and bakeries.
The project is expected to increase bread availability and stabilize or reduce bread prices to the direct benefit of at least 90,000 persons per day. In fact, the entire population of the targeted areas, over 300 thousand people will benefit from this project. It will also enhance the institutional capacity of LCs and SPEG, as accountable and legitimate public entities, to respond to the needs of the local population.
With a total budget of approximately EUR 5.1 million, the project will be implemented and completed in 18 months from the date of signing of the financing agreement, including the stage of monitoring and evaluation activities.
For further information on the project, please see:
The SRTF Holds an Opening Ceremony for a New Bakery in Northern Aleppo
The SRTF Opens the Doors of a New Bakery in Northern Aleppo
The SRTF Inaugurates a Bakery in Northern Aleppo
The SRTF Inaugurates a New Flour Mill in North Aleppo
The SRTF Delivers A Flour Mill & Equipment to Food Security Projects North of Aleppo Governorate
The SRTF Management Unit (MU) Delivers Safety Tools & Equipment in the North of Aleppo Governorate
The SRTF Delivers Soft Wheat to SPEG in Support of Food Security in Aleppo Governorate
Two SRTF Flour mills Start Production in Aleppo Countryside
Complementary Project for Enhancing Food Security in the North of Aleppo Governorate – Phase II
Complementary Project for Enhancing Food Security in the North of Aleppo Governorate Phase III
Complementary Project for Enhancing Food Security in the North of Aleppo Governorate – Phase IV
Complementary Project for Enhancing Food Security in the North of Aleppo Governorate – Phase V
Complementary Project for Enhancing Food Security in the North of Aleppo Governorate -Phase VI
For more information on the SRTF visit:
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