Steering Board

The Steering Board (SB) is responsible for SRTF strategies, general policies and overall supervision for the SRTF. The SB consists of Donor Members, the Republic of Turkey, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the Trustee (KfW), the Management Unit (MU) as Ex-Officio, and is chaired by the representative of the National Coalition. The Steering Board meets every six months to monitor, assess, and endorse the priorities of the Fund and to provide strategic direction.

Steering Board Members:

  •     The Syrian National Coalition
  •     The Federal Republic of Germany
  •     The United Arab Emirates
  •     The United States of America
  •     State of Kuwait
  •     Japan
  •     The Republic of Turkey
  •     The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
  •     The Trustee - KfW (Ex-Officio Member)
  •     The Management Unit (Ex-Officio Member)

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