Home Gardens, Backyard Poultry Kits, and Custom Home Repairs for Urban Households – Phase I
As increasing numbers of formerly displaced civilians return to Ar-Raqqa, they face a myriad of hardships and challenges to their livelihoods. This includes the lack of access to sufficient food, water, shelter, and other key needs. Addressing these issues is vital to the stabilization of areas liberated from Daesh and ensuring the long-term resilience of affected communities.
Through this intervention the SRTF will tackle these challenges through an integrated multi-sectoral intervention. Through a comprehensive support package, the intervention aims to improve livelihoods, food security, and shelter in targeted areas of Ar-Raqqa Governorate. By contracting an international NGO with an established presence in the area to execute this intervention, SRTF funding will effectively and efficiently improve the living conditions of the targeted beneficiaries. Following initial rapid assessments and beneficiary identification, the intervention intends to achieve this objective within a period of six months from initial delivery through the following activities:
- Procurement and distribution of Home Garden Kits, which contain seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, materials for drip irrigation systems, agricultural tools and materials to cover around 20 square meters (0.02 dunum) of land per family;
- Cash-for-work activity to rehabilitate small informal vegetable shops and encourage the sale of surplus vegetables;
- Procurement and distribution of Backyard Poultry Kits, which contain chicks and chickens, animal feed (e.g. multi-purpose feed, grains, insects, etc.), and local shelter materials; and
- Procurement and distribution of Home Repair Support Packages or cash grants to facilitate beneficiary-led household repairs.
With a budget of EUR 4.2 million, the intervention will benefit up to 4,300 households in four targeted communities of Ar-Raqqa Governorate. It will ensure adequate shelter needs, food security, and sustainable livelihoods for an estimated 25,800family members. Beneficiaries will benefit from improved access to diverse nutritionally rich foods, increased purchasing power through selling surplus food items, and increased livelihood opportunities for the local community, thereby strategically positioning Ar-Raqqa for a stable recovery.
For further information on the project, please see:
Custom Home Repairs, Water Access and Cash for Work Assistance to Stabilize Communities - Phase III
Home Gardens and Custom Home Repairs for Urban Households – Phase II
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