SRTF Announces the Successful Completion of Phase II of Home Gardens and Custom Home Repairs Intervention in Ar-Raqqa
Ar-Raqqa –Tuesday, January 12, 2021 – In celebration of the new year, the SRTF is proud to announce the successful completion of its intervention, “Home Gardens and Custom Home Repairs for Urban Households - Phase II”. Over the course of the last nine months, the SRTF, in collaboration with the implementing entity (IE), enhanced the food security, carried out household restorations, and created new income sources for around 28,742 beneficiaries in Ar-Raqqa governorate. Additionally, over 51,000 benefited from the work completed as part of the cash-for-work (CfW) activities, including 6,830 students who benefited from rehabilitation of 21 schools in nine communities, around 27,600 people benefited from cleaning roads in five communities and around 16,400 benefited from cleaning of irrigation canals in four communities.
These beneficiaries’ food security increased as a result of their improved ability to grow vegetables for their own consumption and expanding their sources of more diversified foods and diet. This improvement is showcased through the increase in the availability of food for households to eat or sell. This intervention positively impacted households’ abilities to sustain food self-sufficiency through the consumption of home-grown vegetables. Moreover, children’s education and health expenses were also addressed through the selling of vegetables from the home gardens, which enabled households to obtain an income.
Additionally, the rehabilitation of 1500 homes improved the overall quality of life of the beneficiaries as many of the homes in the targeted area were either damaged or destroyed during the conflict.
The final cost of this intervention came in under budget at EUR 3.37 million.
For further information on the project, please see:
Home Gardens and Custom Home Repairs for Urban Households – Phase II
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