The SRTF Delivers Chemical Pesticides for Two Agriculture Projects in Northern Aleppo Governorate
Türkiye – Sunday, 12th July 2020- Today, the SRTF delivered chemical pesticides to the implementing entity (IE) of two of its agriculture projects consisting of 900 kg of seed fumigation pesticides, 400 kg of rodent control pesticides, and 1300 kg of weed pesticides that were delivered to “Supporting the Recovery of Livestock Production in Northern Aleppo Governorate”. Additionally, a delivery of 800 liters of fungicides and 1,800 liters of weed pesticides was delivered to "Agricultural Support to Farmers in Northern Aleppo". The chemicals aim to protect crops against all diseases and pests.
At a total budget of around EUR 6 million, the two projects aim to improve the lives of 20,300 livestock owners and their families under the first project, and at least 7,500 households through the agriculture project activities benefiting a larger population indirectly as a result of improved economic conditions and better food security in the targeted areas.
For further information on the projects, please see:
Supporting the Recovery of Livestock Production in Northern Aleppo Governorate
Agricultural Support to Farmers in Northern Aleppo
For more information on the SRTF visit:
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