The SRTF Key Accomplishments in 2019.

Amman – Sunday,  March 22nd,  2020 - The SRTF finalized and circulated its 2019 Annual Report to  the SRTF stakeholders showing exceptional accomplishments of its increased operations benefiting increased number of beneficiaries and projects, robust management and consequential results benefiting Syrians affected by the continuing conflict as well as continuous commitment of donors in funding the SRTF’s operations to alleviate the suffering of the Syrian people.

During 2019, the SRTF’s Management Committee (MC) approved six Recovery Projects and five "Stabilization Interventions" with a budget of EUR 32 million in different sectors; bringing the total budget of the SRTF approved projects to EUR 135.31 million, of which EUR 48.75 million were allocated to the "Stabilization Programme".

The report highlighted new donor contributions of EUR 25 million received in 2019 from France, Kuwait, and Germany. The increased funds raised the total amount of contributions to the SRTF to EUR 250.45 million demonstrating the acknowledgement of SRTF's success in delivering the much-needed assistance inside Syria despite ongoing challenges and complexities faced throughout the year.

With regard to impact on beneficiaries, and within its Stabilization Interventions in the North East of Syria (NES), the report indicated that a total number of 167,610 people benefited from SRTF’s activities as follows:  56,696 patients benefited from primary healthcare centers, 9,044 households benefited from solid waste and rubble removal, 30,093 people benefited from agriculture support and livelihood, 18,788 benefited from WASH interventions and 1,295 homes were repaired under the shelter rehabilitation assistance.  Moreover, an estimated 176,332 people benefited on a monthly basis from SRTF’s food security projects; 4,712 patients benefited from SRTF health project and 149 farmers benefited from participating in the seed multiplication project.

Furthermore, additional beneficiaries included staff members of five Implementing Entities (IEs) who were directly involved in the implementation of SRTF projects; these individuals received about EUR 285,945 as salaries under different Recovery Projects in 2019.

Commenting on the report’s findings, Eng. Hani Khabbaz, Director-General of the SRTF, commended the SRTF’s tangible impact on beneficiaries’ lives. He expressed his pride in the SRTF operations and extended his appreciation to the SRTF teams and stated: “As we review our accomplishments from yet another year, we grow more confident in our ability to deliver concrete results on the ground with commitment to improve the lives of millions of Syrians”.  He continued: “We remain ever grateful to the committed support of the SRTF donor countries whose solidarity to the Syrian people is helping us to continue to make all the difference.”


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