The SRTF Completes Rehabilitation of Five Schools in Dar’a Governorate
Jordan – Tuesday, 27 March 2018 - The SRTF Management Unit (MU) announced today that it has completed rehabilitation of five schools in Dar’a Governorate. The new Implementation Progress Report on the SRTF “Rehabilitation of 26 Schools in Dar’a Governorate,” affirmed the completion of civil works as well as the delivery of equipment, furniture and support for school staff and pupils attending the five schools.
At a total cost of EUR 4.42 million, the project seeks to enable pupils and students of all 26 schools to resume their regular education by rehabilitating the school buildings and providing them with the needed equipment, furniture and financial support.
The new report outlines the progress made during the first phase of project, including assessments of civil works needed for restoring the functionality of all targeted schools. A “bill of quantities and technical specifications of required fixed goods and consumables were also developed. The project was able to complete all planned civil works in the first group of five schools by the end of 2017. Other project activities in this first group of schools were completed during the first quarter of 2018. These included installation of solar energy generation systems, playgrounds, sports facilities, stationery, administrative furniture and equipment as well as educational furniture such as classroom desks, boards, student closets, etc. The project has also completed recruitment of 53 staff members needed for the first group of schools.
The MU is now ready to proceed with implementation of the next phase of rehabilitating the remaining 21 schools targeted by the project.
For more information on this project, please visit:
Rehabilitation of Twenty Six (26) Schools in Dar’a Governorate
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