The SRTF Completes Part of the Construction Works in One of Its Water Supply Projects in Aleppo Countryside
Gaziantep – Tuesday, 5 January 2016 – The SRTF Management Unit today announced the completion of some major construction works of its “Rehabilitation and Restoration of Potable Water Supply Network in Aleppo Countryside”. The completed constructions include a new water tower and a new pump station as well as excavating and expanding a water well in one of two districts where project works were intensifying since last September. Other on-going construction works of the project will be completed over the next six-month period.
At a total cost of approximately Euro 5.2 million, the project aims to provide 21 local communities in the rural areas of Aleppo with access to safe and affordable drinking water with benefits to the health and living conditions of some 234 thousand direct beneficiaries.
The project was developed in response to the shortages of potable water that affected the project area as a result of the influx of internally displaced people, disconnection of some towns and villages from the central supply network in Aleppo and destruction or stealing of equipment in pumping stations and wells.
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