Supporting the Recovery of Livestock Production in Northern Aleppo Governorate
Prior to the outbreak of conflict, a modest 50% of fodder needed for livestock breeders were available at both good quality and affordable prices. Since the start of the conflict, the regime ceased providing fodder to livestock breeders, and as a result, the local market for fodder has been destabilized. The limited available resources meet only 3% of the fodder needs, in general, and at present, approximately 23% of the needs of livestock are secured by local production. The deficit is partially covered by traders who import concentrated feed at high prices. In order to compensate for the shortage of fodder, overgrazing has become a common occurrence. As a result of this fodder and feed shortfall, a lack of routine vaccinations, and reduced access to water for livestock needs, the number of livestock (dairy cows, calves, and sheep) has decreased and continues to decrease, negatively affecting the food security situation, and the quality and quantity of milk and meat in liberated areas.
After carrying out a needs assessment survey and rapid market analysis to identify deficiencies, the project will support the IE to implement a devised plan for recovery, which includes green fodder cultivation such as the provision of technical assistance, agricultural inputs, and engagement with farmers for land access in exchange for access to agricultural mechanization on an asset-sharing agreement. Secondly, to secure sufficient water for livestock, two agricultural tractors with trailed tankers (5 cubic meters capacity) will be procured and used to transport water from known sources to breeding herds, as well as securing 25 watering troughs at livestock locations to ensure clean water is available for the herds. A third component of revitalizing the livestock sector addresses disease prevention, preventing livestock disease and to that end, the project will ensure that vaccination campaigns occur in the appropriate season to build enough herd immunity and ensure that the appropriate vaccines are provided.
In addition to the three components, the project will also support IE capacity development, with a focus on personnel and organizational development, particularly on development in financial, procurement, and administrative practices. To assist the IE with that management, reporting, and communication, support packages, including 10 laptops, printers, and satellite communication sets, will be procured and provided by the project.
Through the one year implementation period of the project, and by enhancing the capacity and experience of the livestock directorates, the project will create employment opportunities for veterinarians, veterinary assistants, and other workers associated with livestock and animal husbandry (e.g., livestock transportation, animal processing, meat sales, etc.). An estimated 20,300 farmers will directly benefit from the project with their families, as well as approximately a total of 120,000 indirect beneficiaries.
For further information on the project, please see:
The SRTF Announces the Successful Completion of An Agriculture Project in Northern Aleppo
Livestock Graze on Pastures of SRTF Grown Crops in Aleppo
Feed Supplements Delivered to Farmers in Northern Aleppo
The SRTF Delivers Irrigations Systems to Two of its Agriculture Projects in Aleppo
The SRTF Delivers Shipments of Agriculture Inputs to Northern Aleppo
The SRTF Delivers Two Forage Trailers in Northern Aleppo
Second Installment of Livestock Vaccines Delivered to Northern Aleppo
The SRTF Delivers Chemical Pesticides for Two Agriculture Projects in Northern Aleppo Governorate
The SRTF Delivers Livestock Vaccines to Northern Aleppo Governorate
A New Delivery of Solar-Energy-Powered Refrigerators of Livestock Vaccines in the North of Aleppo
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