The SRTF Participates in the European Union’s 10th Meeting of the Operational Board on the Syrian Crisis
Brussels – Tuesday, 25 June 2019 – The SRTF represented by its Director General, Eng. Hani Khabbaz, participated in the 10th Meeting of the Operational Board hosted by the European Commission on Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations in Brussels today.
Discussions during the Operational Board meeting focused on a series of interventions for a total value of approximately EUR 100 million. The meeting outcomes included the approval of the following activities namely; Support to Higher Education for Syrian Refugees and Vulnerable Host Youth -Phase II at EURO 28.4 Million; Qudra 2 - Resilience for Refugees, IDPs returnees and Host Communities in Response to the Protracted Syrian and Iraqi Crisis at EURO 55.5 million; Support to Quality and Sustainable Child Protection Systems Policy and Services for Boys, Girls and Women in Lebanon at an allocated budget of EURO 12.5 million and approved the Extrenal Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanism for the EU regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis at EURO 3.6 Million.
Participants were also updated on several issues including the approval of the minutes of meeting held on Dec 2018, the annual account and confirmation of quorum, an update on the future Trust board meeting agenda.
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