The SRTF Starts Installation of Solar-Energy-Powered Refrigerators of Livestock Vaccination in Idleb Governorate
Gaziantep – Friday, 15 July 2016 – The SRTF Management Unit began Installation of solar-energy-powered refrigerators of livestock vaccines in Idleb Governorate today. All 20 refrigeration units delivered to various communities in the governorate this week will be connected to there respective solar panel systems over the next few days. The delivery of the refrigeration units and their solar systems, which took place across the Turkish-Syrian borders, is part of the SRTF “Reestablishment of the Livestock Vaccination Programme in Selected locations of the Idleb Governorate”.
The refrigeration units are essential to conserve and use a large quantity of livestock vaccines that the SRTF started to deliver to the project’s Implementation Entity (IE) on Wednesday 22 June 2016. At the end of June, the IE started a livestock vaccination trials campaign against the Foot & Mouth Disease (FMD) and the Sheep & Goat Pox disease as well as Clostridial diseases and Pasteurellosis, which have inflected heavy animal losses in the past couple of years.
Animal vaccination was stopped and livestock diseases proliferated in the governorate following the outbreak of conflict and suspension of the national vaccination services by the Damascus regime in opposition held areas.
For more information on this project, please visit:
Reestablishment of the Livestock Vaccination Program in Selected Locations in the Idleb Governorate
For more information on the SRTF visit:
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